Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Since the end of last week....

Dear Friends and Family,
         We completed two EMT/paramedic trainings last Friday and a four days of rotations through the shifts at KHMH for the nurses and doctors.Over the weekend, we had some relaxing times in San Pedro and Orange Walk. Duane spent the weekend in Spanish Lookout doing ride-alongs with the Spanish Lookout Response Team (SLRT). On Sunday, we headed west for a church service in Banana Bank, lunch in Spanish Lookout with the SLRT families and a tour of Cahal Pech (a Mayan ruin).
          This week, our paramedics have observed teachings at BERT and done ride-alongs with the BERT EMT's and paramedics.  Today, Curt and Duane did a patient-simulation ambulance run into KHMH.  We are seeing progress with the patient encounters and transfers between BERT and KHMH.
            Morning case presentations by the Belizean physicians followed by lectures from the US physicians have continued this week.  Suneel has taken some of the A&E physicians to the operating room to practice intubation. Tomorrow, he will do suturing and sterile technique training with them.  All the US physicians and nurses have continued to rotate through the hospital shifts.  There have been some busy and strenuous shifts. Dr Nate Brown from the MCW Emergency Medicine residency was here with us for two days in the beginning of the week.
             We have made observations and have prepared recommendations for KHMH and BERT.  Our team is developing roles and assignments for our Belizean counterparts to continue in the coming months before the next MCW team arrives.  Joy will remain at KHMH through next week.  Everyone in our team has worked very hard!  We have renewed relationships here and built new ones. 
              We will finish up our schedule tomorrow.  We do appreciate your prayers and ask that you continue to lift us up in prayer as we conclude this first module in the Emergency Medicine Development Program.  Please pray for safe travel for us!  Blessings, Moira

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